Edwin H. (Ned) Brown


A.B. Dartmouth College, 1960
M.Sc. University of Otago, New Zealand, 1962
PhD University of California, Berkeley, 1966

Areas of specialization

Metamorphic petrology, structural geology, tectonics

Current status:

Professor Emeritus, Western Washington University

Recent publications:

Brown, E.H., and Dragovich, J.D., 2003, Tectonic elements and evolution of northwest Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources map GM 52.

Brown, E.H., and McClelland, W.C., 2000, Pluton emplacement by sheeting and vertical ballooning in part of the southeast Coast Plutonic Complex, British Columbia: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 112, p. 708-719.

Brown, E.H., Talbot, J.L., McClelland, W.C., Feltman, J.A., Lapen, T.J., Bennett, J.D., Hettinga, M.A., Troost, M.L., Alvarez, K.M., and Calvert, A.T., 2000, Interplay of plutonism and regional deformation in an obliquely convergent arc, southern Coast Belt, British Columbia: Tectonics, v. 19, p. 493-511.

Current research interest:

My current interest is analysis and understanding of the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of northwest Washington.