Liz Schermer


Member of the WWU Geology faculty since 1991


1989 - Ph.D. in geology, Mass. Institute of Technology

1982 - B.S., Geology, Stanford University, California

1982 - A.B., English Literature, Stanford University, California

Areas of Expertise

Application of structural geology, metamorphic petrology, and geochronology to problems in continental tectonics; tectonic geomorphology and active faulting at continental margins.

Courses Taught

  • Structural Geology with lab: classroom version every year; field version every other year
  • Structural Geology of Washington Field course
  • Principles of Orogeny Seminar
  • Advanced Topics in Structural Geology
  • Field Theory
  • Field Methods 
  • Physical Geology

Selected Publications

Indrevaer, K., Bergh, S.G., Koehl, J-B, Hansen, J-A, Schermer, E.R., Ingebrigtsen, A., 2013 in press.  Onshore-offshore correlation of post-Caledonian brittle fault zones on the hyper-extended SW Barents Sea margin: New insights into margin architecture.  Norwegian, Journal of Geology.

Sherrod, B.L., *Barnett, E., Schermer, E.R., Kelsey, H.M., Hughes, J., Foyt, F., Weaver, C.S., Haugerud, R., and Hyatt, T., Holocene tectonics  and fault reactivation in the foothills of the North Cascade mountains, Washington, Geosphere, v. 9, p. 827-852.

Berryman, K., Cooper, A.F., Norris, R.J., Villamor, P., Sutherland, R., Wright, T., Schermer, E.R., Langridge, R., and Biasi, G., 2012, Late Holocene Rupture History of the Alpine Fault in South Westland, New Zealand: Bulletin Seismological Society of America v 102, p 620-638.

Dunham, R.E.*, Crider, J.G., Burmester, R.F., Schermer, E.R., and Housen, B.A., 2011, Geometry, microstructures and magnetic fabrics of kink bands in the Darrington Phyllite, northwestern Washington, USA: Processes within fixed-hinge kinking: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 33, p. 1627-1638.

Fohey-Breting*, N. K., Barth, A. P., Wooden, J. L., Mazdab, F. K., Carter, C. A., and Schermer, E. R., 2010, Relationship of voluminous ignimbrites to continental arc plutons: Petrology of Jurassic ignimbrites and contemporaneous plutons in southern California: J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., v. 189, no. 1-2, p. 1-11.

Schermer, E. R., Little, T. A., and Rieser, U., 2009, Quaternary deformation along the Wharekauhau fault system, North Island, New Zealand: Implications for an unstable linkage between active strike-slip and thrust faults: Tectonics, v. 28, p. 23.

Little, T.A., Van Dissen, R., Schermer, E.R., and Carne, R.*, 2009, Late Holocene surface ruptures on the southern Wairarapa fault, New Zealand: Link between earthquakes and the raising of beach ridges on a rocky coast. Lithosphere, v. 1, no. 1, p. 4-28.

Schermer, E. R., J. R. Gillaspy*, and R. Lamb*, 2007, Arc-parallel extension and fluid flow in an ancient accretionary wedge: The San Juan Islands, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 119, p. 753-767.

Brown, E. H., B. A. Housen, and E. R. Schermer, 2007, Tectonic evolution of the San Juan Islands thrust system, Washington, in P. Stelling, and D. S. Tucker, eds., Fire, Faults, and Floods: Geological Field Trips in Washington State and Southwest British Columbia: Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America Field Guide 9, p. 143-177, doi: 10.1130/2007.fld009(08).

Schermer, E. R.; Van Dissen, R.; Berryman, K. R.; Kelsey, H. M.; Cashman, S. M. 2004: Active Faults, Paleoseismology and Historical Fault Rupture in the northern Wairarapa, North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 47: 101-122.

Recent M.S. Students

Eric Hoffnagle: Age, origin, and tectonic evolution of the Yellow Aster Complex: northwest Washington State.  Defense expected Fall, 2013.
Orion George: GIS Investigation of scarps on Slide Mountain, western Whatcom County, WA Spring 2012.
Julia Labadie:  Structural evolution of the Mt. Formidable region, North Cascades.  Fall 2009.
Elizabeth Siedlecki:  Holocene displacement on the Boulder Creek fault, Kendall, WA, and related seismic hazards. Fall 2009
Gerry Griesel: Kinematic analysis of ductile features, within the northern Wenatchee block, North Cascades, Washington. Spring, 2008.
Todd Belanger: Structural geology of the central San Juan islands. Winter, 2008.