Guide to members of WWU Geology

This is our departmental directory. If you don't find what you need here, you might try the University directory, or contact our department office. In the listings below, names are linked to web sites, if available, and clicking an email will bring up your email program to compose and send a message. All offices are in the Environmental Sciences building unless otherwise specified, and all phone numbers are of the form (360) 650-xxxx.

Jump to: Faculty | Emeritus | Administrative Staff | Research Associates | Technical Staff | Instructors


Name Phone Office Lab Email (+ "")
Colin Amos 3587 204   colin.amos@
Jackie Caplan-Auerbach 4153 236 202 jackie.caplan-auerbach@
Douglas Clark 7939 210 210 doug.clark@
Susan DeBari 3588 237 201 susan.debari@
Brady Foreman 2546 202 brady.foreman@
Thor Hansen 3648 235   thor.hansen@
Bernard Housen (Chair) 6573/
425 429 bernard.housen@
Scott Linneman 7207 340   scott.linneman@
Robert Mitchell 3591 234 106 robert.mitchell@
Melissa Rice 3592 205   melissa.rice@
Liz Schermer 3658 438 108 liz.schermer@
Pete Stelling 4095 439   pete.stelling@


Name Phone Office Email (must append "" to each)
Julie Filer 3582 104 julie.filer@
Kirsten Fristad 3645 107 kirsten.fristad@
Michael Kraft 3645 107 michael.kraft@
Brian Rusk 3595 104 brian.rusk@
Paul Thomas 7796 114 paul.thomas@

Administrative Staff

Name Phone Office Email (must append "" to each)
Chris Sutton (Dept. Manager) 3581 240 chris.sutton@
Theresa Tripp (Program Coord.) 3582 240 theresa.tripp@

Research Associates

Name Phone Office Email (must append "" to each)
Russ Burmester 3654 339 russ.burmester@
3304 429
Eric Grossman 4697 121 eric.grossman@
George Mustoe george.mustoe@
Dave Tucker   54 dave.tucker@
Brian Rusk 3595 104 Brian.Rusk@

Technical Staff

Name Phone Office Email (must append "" to each)
Ben Paulson 3585 208 benjamin.paulson@

Emeritus Faculty

Name Phone Office Email (must append "" to each)
Scott Babcock 3592 205 randall.babcock@
Myrl Beck Jr. 3597 203 myrl.beck@
Edwin (Ned) Brown 3645 203 ned.brown@
Don J. Easterbrook 3583 AH434 don.easterbrook@
Dave Engebretson     david.engebretson@
Jim Talbot 3742 203 james.talbot@